Pen and Ink

Next two paintings: Tarot Card THE SUN: Acrylic, Pen and Ink

In Tarot, the Sun is a very powerful card. It represents joy, light, energy, clarity of vision, optimism and success. It also represents appreciation of the beauty and simplicity of life, , wholeness, strength and allowing one to enjoy the pleasures of life.
In the reversal card there is confusion and suspicion that prevents us from enjoying the warmth of the sun. There is the possibility of partial happiness if we make an effort to appreciate the rays of sun that break through the clouds.

In the two drawings, the sun is larger with the eye in the middle because it brings warmth, growth and happiness.The colors and brightness represent the blessings of the sun.

In the reversal of the sun, the drawing is smaller, the colors are black with just a peek of yellow and blue light which is the intuition that shines through. Light is seen through the dark.

Positivity wins over negativity. Energy and joy and always bigger than the disorienting power of the dark. The power of light cancels the dark. No matter how hard life can be, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We should always try to stay in the light.