The Forgotten Ones

“The Forgotten Ones” is a conceptual exhibition addressing dementia. This is a segment of society that can no longer take care of themselves alone. Subsequently, they usually must be placed in nursing homes. Oftentimes, this means losing their independence and their mobility too. They are segregated from the outside world, left behind, or simply ignored. The majority are elderly, alone, and afraid. Since very few have family who will become their voice and advocate for them, patients with dementia become vulnerable and susceptible to abuse and neglect. However, they are very much alive, can still process emotion, and crave to be acknowledged as they once were. There is a deep well of creativity in each one of them, waiting to be set free.

With this exhibition, I want to bring awareness to the plight of people who experience the disease of dementia, and call on society to remember and address their forgotten loved ones, as they still desire and deserve human connection. Included are paintings that show two and three-dimensional artwork that address the disease.